The GGO Vermessungs GmbH has experience from more than 20.000km of track measurement throughout Europe. Our range of services is complimented by engineering and monitoring surveys.

The company was founded in 2002 by Ivo Koch in Beelitz, Brandenburg. Just three years later he and his team commissioned the pre-measuring tamping machine GEDO CE Vorsys for development, which was then given technical type approval in 2008. Through the precise measuring, tracks in Germany, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Italy and Turkey could already be perfectly positioned.

Since 2019, the team of 24 members of GGO has been an integral part of the Willke family. Therefore, we now no longer only deliver our work on the dot but also with extra precision.


With the GEDO CE Vorsys measuring system we have special expertise in determining correction values for high-speed routes for over 160km/h. We offer the following services:

  • Track measurement
  • Pre-measurement with GEDO CE according to DS 820/03
  • Marking out the roadway
  • Solid track with GEDO CE
  • Machine control
  • Setting of permanent markings
  • Engineering measurement
  • Stakeouts
  • Site plan and longitudinal maps
  • Building measurements
  • Levellings
  • Line cadaster
  • Channel cadaster
  • Monitoring measurement
  • Dams
  • Bridges
  • Industrial plants
  • Subsidence measurements
  • Tracks


For the precise track surveying tasks, we use the GEDO CE pre-measuring system from the company Trimble, which we helped to create. We also use optical track levelling equipment to determine the longitudinal heights of rails as well as other technology in order to determine track geometries and gauges.